Dragon and Lion Dance Team

To create a humanistic Pure Land of joy and happiness.

The main goals of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Dragon and Lion Dance Team:

  • To provide cultural enrichment,
  • To promote the coexistence principle of cultural harmony,
  • To increase community support and understanding, and
  • To practice the teachings of the Buddha and promote Humanistic Buddhism.

The Dragon and Lion Dance Team participates in many charitable community events on behalf of the Temple. It has given numerous performances during community events, such as “Awareness Day,” promoting Chinese culture. Team members enjoy learning martial arts and the intricate steps of the Dragon and Lion dances.

Currently, there are over 60 participants (aged 6 and over), including team members, instructors and volunteers.

To register or for more information, please call the Temple at (905) 814-0465 or email at dragonlionteam@fgs.ca

Register to join our team!