Great Compassion Repentance Service

October 20, 2024 9:30 AM

To celebrate the Avalokitesvera Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Day, the Great Compassion Repentance Service will be held on Sunday October 20, 2024.

All merits will be transferred to all benefactors and participants. Benefits include the merits to eradicate hindrances, purify our body, speech and mind, see our true natures and realize all wisdom. The service will be available both in person and via livestream. Everyone is welcome to participate in this wondrous practice of repentance.

為慶祝觀世音菩薩出家紀念日,多倫多佛光山謹定於2024年10月20日(星期日)啟建「大悲懺法會」;禮懺功德迴向眾姓檀那消災得福,開本見知,制諸魔外,三業精進。 禮懺功德殊勝,歡迎使用多倫多佛光山官方網站 www.fgs.ca 線上報名;並期屆時參與禮懺(實體/線上),共霑法喜。