Fo Guang Shan Toronto Youth Buddhist Academy

April 12, 2025 9:30 AM




班:2025 年 4 月 12 日 - 5 月 24 日(6堂)

上課時間:每週六/ 9:30 am – 7:00 pm


1.     有志體驗叢林修道生活,認同人間佛教理念的學習者。

2.     身心健康,無不良嗜好的 18 至 35 歲青年。

3.     具備基本中/英文溝通能力。


解門: 經論導讀、佛法概論、中英佛學名相、佛教歷史、宗門思想、人間佛教思想等。

行門: 五堂功課、學佛行儀、禪心靜坐、抄經修持、茶禪一味、素食烹飪、出坡作務等。


每期費用$50 (道場提供教科書、教材等/ *不含修道服)


佛光多倫多書院 電話: (905) 814-0465

e-mail : retreats@fgs.ca

6525 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5N 7K6


Fo Guang Shan Toronto Youth Buddhist Academy


1. Objective
Fo Guang Shan Toronto Youth Buddhist Academy offers a unique opportunity to explore Buddhist teachings and experience monastic life. Our program is designed to foster inner peace and strength, guided by the belief that "Where there is Dharma, there is a way." We focus on building resilience, responsibility, and competitiveness, helping you to grow into your best self.


2. Dates and Schedule

  • Semester: April 12, 2025 - May 24, 2025 (6 sessions)
  • Class Time: Saturdays, 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM


3. Eligibility

  • Interested in experiencing monastic life and open to Humanistic Buddhism.
  • Healthy individuals aged 18 to 35.
  • Basic Mandarin or English language skills


4. Course Content

  • Study: Buddhist teachings, Buddhist terminology, Buddhist history, and Humanistic Buddhism.
  • Practice: Buddhist etiquette, meditation, sutra transcription, tea meditation, vegetarian cooking, and chores.


5. Fees

$50 (Covers textbooks, materials, and meals)
*New Students: Uniform will be provided.
*If you already have uniforms, please bring your own.


6.Contact Information
Fo Guang Shan Toronto Buddhist Academy
Phone: (905) 814-0465
Email: retreats@fgs.ca
6525 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5N 7K6