Join Hands for Health, Environment, and a Better World:
Supporting the United NationsSustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting Vegetarian diets, and raisingenvironmental awareness, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, BLIA Toronto Chapter,and the Green Charity Foundation are proud to announce the "2024 TorontoVEGRUN Charity Run." This event also aims to actively advocate for the" Environmental and Spiritual Preservation" concept championed byVenerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan.
Event Details:
The VEGRUN Charity Runpresents a unique opportunity for participants to enhance their health throughexercise while contributing to societal welfare. This event offers a multitudeof benefits: participants can enjoy an energetic and positive afternoondedicated to promoting Vegetarian diets and simultaneously raise funds forcommunity support through the run. The charity sponsorship model, "YouVEGRUN, I Donate," ensures that all funds raised will be donated toOntario's largest children's treatment center, ERINOAK KIDS.
ERINOAK KIDS is committed to providing vital support andassistance to children with special needs and their families. Throughcharitable donations from the VEGRUN event, we aim to bring additional love andcare to the children and families in need within our community.
We extend a heartfelt invitation topeople from all walks of life to join us in this meaningful event. Yourparticipation will help promote health, environmental protection, and socialwelfare. Let us join hands, run for happiness, run for hope, and contribute toa brighter future for the world!
1. Completion certificates and sponsored souvenirs will be givenout to all participants.
2. Souvenirs will be given to all participants at the end of theevent.
全球復蔬公益路跑 2024 Toronto VEGRUN 蔬出愛‧為幸福而跑
地點:Centennial Park - 256 Centennial Park Rd., Etobicoke, ON M9C 5N3
日期: 6月22日(六)
時間: 下午3:00 - 下午5:00 (簽到時間:下午2:15 - 下午2:50)
VEGRUN 路跑活動是一個獨特的機會,讓參與者不僅可以透過運動促進自身健康,還能藉由參加活動,貢獻社會。活動擁有多重益處,參加者可以享受一個充滿活力與推動蔬食正能量的下午,更能透過參加路跑活動,籌款回饋社區。「你VEGRUN,我捐款」慈善贊助路跑模式,所籌得的善款將全數捐贈安大略省最大的兒童治療中心 —— ERINOAK KIDS。
ERINOAK KIDS致力於為需要特殊照護的兒童及其家庭提供支持與幫助。通過慈善捐助,為社會中最需要幫助的兒童及家庭帶來更多的愛與關懷。
1. 當天的參加者將獲得完賽證明。
2. 完跑後將提供refreshments。
Donation Link: