Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Participates in Peel Region Community Crime Awareness Day

September 14, 2024

Buddha’s Light Members Spread Warmth: Fo Guang Shan Temple of TorontoParticipates in Peel Region Community Crime Awareness Day

The 2024 Peel Region Community Crime Awareness Day was held on September14th in Mississauga’s Chinatown, marking its debut at this location. VenerableZhi Guan, superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, and BLIA Toronto Chapter Advisor Ken Choi attended the event, alongside notable figures such asMississauga Mayor Carolyn Parrish, as well as officials from the Peel Regional Police and Fire Department.

The event began with a ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring over 20 distinguished guests, followed by vibrant performances celebrating Canada’s multicultural diversity. The FGS Toronto Fo Guang Lion Dance Team delivered a lively lion and dragon dance, captivating the audience with synchronized movements and the thunderous beat of drums. Their performance set an energetic tone, earning enthusiastic applause from the crowd.

Various booths, including those hosted by the Peel Regional Police, Fire Department, and local businesses, showcased community resources. The International Buddha's Light Association (BLIA) Toronto was represented by volunteers from multiple subchapters. Throughout the day, volunteers distributed Buddhist literature, temple brochures, and information about Fo Guang Shan’s Spiritual Care services and Humanistic Buddhism courses. They also engaged with attendees, introducing them to the principles of Humanistic Buddhism and fostering meaningful connections.

Through their participation, the BLIA members embodied the core values of Humanistic Buddhism—compassion, service, and the joy of spreading the Dharma. Their efforts exemplified the teachings of the Buddha: what the Buddha taught, what is essential to human beings, what purifies, and what is virtuous and beautiful. By sharing these principles, they highlighted the relevance of Humanistic Buddhism in modern life, leaving a lasting impact on the community.

Venerable Zhi Guan, superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, and BLIA Toronto Chapter Advisor Ken Choi attended the 2024 Peel Region Community Crime Awareness Day.
The International Buddha's Light Association (BLIA) Toronto was represented by volunteers from multiple subchapters, introducing the principles of Humanistic Buddhism and fostering meaningful connections.
The FGS Toronto Fo Guang Lion Dance Team delivered alively lion and dragon dance, captivating the audience with synchronized movements and the thunderous beat of drums.
The temple’s volunteers embodied the core values of Humanistic Buddhism—compassion, service, and the joy of spreading the Dharma.
The volunteers' efforts exemplified the teachings of the Buddha: what the Buddha taught, what is essential to human beings, what purifies, and what is virtuous and beautiful.
The BLIA members highlighted the relevance of Humanistic Buddhism in modern life, leaving a lasting impact on the community.