Fo Guang Shan Toronto Hosts One-Day Meditation Retreat for Renewal and Inner Peace

December 26, 2024

On December 26, Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto hosted a one-day meditation retreat, drawing 40 participants from different walks of life. The retreat provided an opportunity for reflection and renewal, offering participants a day dedicated to spiritual cultivation and mindfulness.

During the concluding group discussion, Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan encouraged participants to treasure the rare opportunity for spiritual growth.She emphasized that meditation nurtures inner peace and fosters wisedecision-making. Referencing teachings from Venerable Master Hsing Yun duringthe inauguration of the Fo Guang Shan Monastery’s meditation hall in 1991, shereminded attendees that the cultivation of meditative concentration is rootedin accumulated merits and plants the seeds of wholesome conditions. The Abbessurged everyone to serve others regularly, cultivating wisdom and compassion inharmony.

The retreat was guided by Venerable Ru Zhong. The program featured foursitting meditation sessions, which covered preparatory guidance, meditation inmotion, sitting meditation, walking meditation, tea meditation, communalchores, and a group discussion. All activities were conducted in noble silence,allowing participants to deepen their focus and awareness. Venerable Ru Zhongprovided insightful teachings throughout the retreat, reminding participants tointegrate their practice with clarity and avoid distractions caused bywandering thoughts. Walking meditation encouraged practitioners to focus ontheir steps, ground their inner peace, and stabilize their minds.

The day’s practice was anchored by teachings on the Four Foundations ofMindfulness and the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, guiding participantstoward recognizing their true nature and embracing personal responsibility.

At the start of the retreat, Venerable Zhi Guan encouraged participants tomaintain mindfulness and self-awareness. Drawing inspiration from the diligentself-discipline of eminent monastics, attendees were invited to write downtheir original aspirations on cards, setting intentions and goals for the day’spractice.

During the final group discussion, attendees expressed heartfelt gratitudeto the temple for organizing the retreat. Many shared personal insights gainedfrom observing the ebb and flow of thoughts, relaxing their bodies, andrefining mindfulness. Participants noted that the retreat not only purifiedtheir body and mind but also planted seeds of Dharma, inspiring them toreconnect with their original, authentic selves, stay true to theiraspirations, and carry the day’s teachings into their daily lives.

Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan encouraged participants to treasure the rare opportunity for spiritual growth.
Venerable Ru Zhong provided insightful teachings throughout the retreat, reminding participants to integrate their practice with clarity and avoid distractions caused by wandering thoughts.
The program featured four sitting meditation sessions, which covered preparatory guidance, meditation in motion, sitting meditation, walking meditation, tea meditation, communal chores, and a group discussion.
 At the start of the retreat, Venerable Zhi Guan encouraged participants to maintain mindfulness and self-awareness.
During the final group discussion, attendees expressed heartfelt gratitude to the temple for organizing the retreat.
Attendees were invited to write down their original aspirations on cards, setting intentions and goals for the day’s practice.