Toronto Buddha’s Light Members Embraced The Vimalakirti Sutra in World Café Book Club

September 1, 2024

On the warm and sunny morning of September 1st, over 70 book enthusiasts gathered at the Main Shrine of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto to participate in a World Café book club. Divided into ten groups, participants engaged in discussions in English,Mandarin, and Cantonese, focusing on the works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order, Cultivating Joy in the Human World: The Vimalakirti Sutra. To create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere, the temple provided coffee and snacks, and copies of the Master’s works for attendees to take home were displayed on each table, building affinity and extending the joy and insightsgained from the session.

The event was hosted by Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto Chapter Vice President Kim Chan, who began by guiding everyone through a mindfulness breathing exercise and making a vow of dedication, with the hope that the merits of the book club would increase wisdom and positively transform lives.The session's reading material was drawn from the fourth chapter, “The Ideal World of the Vimalakirti Sutra,” and the eighth chapter, “Conclusion,” of the Master’s work. Participants engaged in two rounds of reading and discussion in their respective groups. The World Café format was designed to foster dialogue and collective creativity. To facilitate effective communication, participants were divided into three groups, English, Mandarin, and Cantonese, each led by a facilitator who introduced the process, guided the reading of the original text,and prompted discussions. Facilitators also posed thought-provoking questions to deepen understanding and encourage interaction.

For many attendees, this was their first experience with this type of book club. During group discussions, everyone contributed, whether by taking notes, sharing insights, creating posters, or making illustrations, fully demonstrating the power of collaborative efforts. Each group had three minutes to present their discussions, offering a rich and diverse range of perspectives. Together, theyexplored the ideal world of the Pure Land on Earth, including concepts such asthe purity of mind, integration of all dimensions, infinite expedient means, and the non-dualistic world. They also reflected on the Master’s four-line verses for practicing the Pure Land on Earth: “Speak kindly and respectfully, be optimistic and joyful; be reasonable and peaceful, and celebrate safety with compassion and tolerance.” Discussions delved into the practice of respect and tolerance, the art of speaking kindly and effectively, and the importance of self-regulation with moral principles and conscience. One group even concluded their presentation with a song, adding a lively and engaging touch to the event.

In her concluding remarks, Venerable Ru An emphasized that the purpose of this book club was not merely to prepare for the Buddhism exam but, more importantly, to help participants deeply understand the wisdom of the Vimalakirti Sutra and enhance theircharacter. She also noted that the first World Café book club in Toronto was held during the Dharma Day in December 2019, initiated by the temple’s abbess,Venerable Chueh Fan, in order to encourage continuous learning through skillful and convenient means. She reminded everyone that each participant is a practitioner and promoter of Humanistic Buddhism, and after benefiting from Buddhist practice, they should share their insights with their families andfriends to add meaning to their lives and propagate Humanistic Buddhism.Venerable Master Hsing Yun highlighted the importance of self-awakening and practicing Buddhism, stating that learning together is the best way to cultivate oneself.

The Cantonese group facilitator expressed her deep impression with the skillful means employed to attract people to the Dharma and propagate Buddhism, allowing more individuals to become acquainted with Humanistic Buddhism through reading the Master’s books and applying instructive teachings in their daily lives, thereby experiencing the joy of the Dharma. Betty Young, one of the event coordinators and the MC, praised the breakthroughs achieved in this book club, noting the enthusiastic interaction and mutual inspiration during the learning process, the diverse and flourishing forms of sharing, which brought great joy to all. She expressed her deep satisfaction, feeling that the book lovers in Toronto had truly embraced the teachings of the Master and Venerable Chueh Pei.

This book club left each participant with a heart full of joy and Dharma happiness, and everyone eagerly looks forward to the next gathering.

The participants were divided into ten groups, engaging in discussions in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese as they studied Venerable Master Hsing Yun's work Cultivating Joy in the Human World: The Vimalakirti Sutra.
On the warm and sunny morning of September 1st, more than 70 book lovers gathered at the main hall of Fo Guang Shan Temple in Toronto to participate in the World Café Book Club.
The book club was hosted by BLIA Toronto Chapter Vice President Kim Chan, who first guided everyone in a mindfulness breathing exercise and made a vow of dedication, hoping that the merits of this book club would increase wisdom and positively transform lives.
In her concluding remarks, Venerable Ru An stated that the goal of this book club was not just to prepare for the Buddhist studies exam but, more importantly, to help everyone deeply understand the wisdom of The Vimalakirti Sutra and enhance their character.
The temple provided coffee and snacks for the participants, and copies of the Master’s works for attendees to take home were displaced on each table, building affinity and extending the joy and insights gained from the session.
The World Café format aims to seek answers through dialogue and to experience collective creativity.
To facilitate communication, participants were divided into three groups, English, Mandarin, and Cantonese, each led by a facilitator who introduced the process, guided the reading of the original text, and prompted discussions.
Enthusiastic interaction and mutual inspiration occurred throughout the learning process.