多倫多佛光山弘法緣起始自1991年7月27日,佛光山開山星雲大師應信眾之邀,法駕加拿大多倫多,於士嘉堡一所中學Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute,舉行佛學講座、皈依三寶典禮及成立佛光會,並指派依宏法師留下,在多倫多弘法建寺,此為佛光山于加拿大開展弘法重要的里程碑。
80年代起,華人移民與日俱增,面對新環境、新制度的衝擊與壓力,亟需心靈及精神支柱,而佛法是華人心中的力量泉源,第一個禪淨中心 (多倫多佛光山的前身) 即在此因緣下得以成立。由於信徒人數增加,遂應眾多信徒敦求,積極於密西沙加市 (City of Mississauga)購地建寺。歷經多年的籌備規劃及興建,於1996年底竣工,1997年8月10日,恭請星雲大師親臨主持開光典禮,多倫多佛光山正式啟用。
多倫多佛光山是佛光山寺遍佈全球近300所道場之一。 20多年來,多倫多佛光山已成為本地社會大眾修身養性、增長智慧、文化交流、善友共聚、廣結善緣等多功能,提昇性靈的安心之處。
The temple holds cultural events to help bring the East and West together in peace and understanding. These include participation in many local events, as well as annual celebrations of Chinese New Year, Vesak (Buddha’s Birthday), and a vegetarian food fair. The temple also offers a traditional Chinese tea house, public tours, and a cultural museum with Buddhist art, sculpture, and calligraphy.
The temple offers regular courses in English, Mandarin and Cantonese on Buddhism and meditation. It also offers a wide variety of special interest classes in music, cooking, art, crafts, exercise and more. It also provides extensive youth and children’s programs. There is also a large library with both English and Chinese resources.
The temple raises funds and provides volunteers for many worthwhile causes in the local community, as well as supporting worldwide initiatives coordinated by the global Fo Guang Shan organization. Thousands of donors and volunteers give generously of their time and money every year to provide assistance where it is most needed.
The temple is a spiritual centre, providing devotees with a facility for meditation and holding weekly Buddhist chanting services, regular ceremonies, meditation retreats and other special events. The temple maintains a number of resident monastics who provide constant teaching, guidance and coordination to lay members.
文 化
教 育
慈 善
共 修
The establishment of the temple embodied the efforts of many dedicated devotees from the immigrant community. The initial idea of building a temple can be traced back to July 1991, when Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order, visited Toronto to officially inaugurate the Toronto Chapter of Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA).
During his visit, the Toronto devotees desperately requested a Buddhist centre, expressed the need for continuing spiritual support. Under these conditions, the I.B.P.S. Toronto (later renamed Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto) was found.
It quickly became an important resource in Eastern Canada, holding Dharma classes in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English, as well as reading clubs, interest classes, and chanting services. With the rapid development of the centre and many devotees’ sincere requests, searching for a more suitable location for the temple’s long-term development was inevitable.
After years of planning and construction, the consecration ceremony of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto was held in August 1997.
多倫多佛光山(前稱「佛光寺」)於1994年舉行動土典禮。星雲大師親臨主持。 (1994年8月19日)
1997年8月10日,恭請佛光山開山星雲大師親臨主持開光典禮,多倫多佛光山正式啟用。 寺院佔地 50,000 平方英尺。
Inauguration of Buddha's Light International Association, Toronto Chapter
Groundbreaking of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto
Triple Gem Refuge led by Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Fo Guang Shan Tempe of Toronto Grand Opening Ceremony
Fo Guang Shan Tempe of Toronto Grand Opening Ceremony
Fo Guang Shan Tempe of Toronto Grand Opening Ceremony